Friday, January 29, 2010

Food Confusion and a Veggie and Egg White Breakfast Wrap

This stack of books actually came from my bookshelves, and while it's a little embarrassing when they're all stacked up like that, I'll admit I was a little disappointed that there were still a few missing, I've either lost or lent them out over the years, and never got them back. I wanted the full drama of all the diets and programs I've been on, or at least investigated over the years. (Add to this stack: Body for Life, The Zone, Fit or Fat?, Choices For a Healthy Heart, Healthy For Life and Stop the Insanity--to name a few)

My cookbooks would stack from floor to ceiling without a problem, which leads me to the point of today's entry: What the hell am I supposed to eat? I'm so confused. There is so much conflicting information out there. Not to mention, I love to cook, I love to eat, and to top it off I'd like to drop a few pounds and also write a food blog. There I said it. I want to lose some weight and write a food blog and the two don't seem to go together. I wasn't planning to write a weight loss journal, or a diet plan. I guess it's really not what the hell do I eat, as much as what the hell do I write about?

Having said all that, I have made some progress in this area, and also some inner peace on the subject. For the most part I eat lots of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and lean proteins. I don't omit entire food groups or eat them in rigid combination. Water is my beverage of choice, but only after I've had my morning coffee. I drink green tea and love red wine. Those are my antioxidants!

So what is the confusion you ask? Sounds like I've got a handle on things, doesn't it? I think I just worked it out as I wrote this! I guess I couldn't figure out how I was going to do all this cooking and blogging while trying to lose weight! I didn't want that to be my focus.

Well the heck with it then!  Here is what I made this morning, like it or not it was equal to only 4 Weight Watchers points. Deal with it! ( I'm using W.W. system as a tool only to help me keep track of calories taken in. If they'd like to sponsor me, I'd be more than happy to oblige..) (Oh, and the "Deal with it!" was aimed at me, not you) Trust me folks, I'm coming to grips and working this out as I write. Stay with me!

I put a smidgen of olive oil in a teeny cast iron skillet. Just enough to get some onion started without sticking. If I'd have had an olive oil spray, I would have used that. 
I added a little chopped yellow bell pepper, a couple of chopped mushrooms, and some thinly sliced zucchini.

While they were cooking, I whipped up one whole egg and a few tablespoons of liquid egg whites. 
I found these in a little pint size carton on my last trip to ALDI. I bought it because I hate throwing out perfectly good yolks. I save them and then forget to use them.

If you want to use regular egg whites, you can add one or two, depending on how many vegetables you're putting in your omelet. Sometimes one isn't enough.
I always have the best intentions of making a perfect omelet, but it usually is a hybrid between an omelet and a scramble. So what? As my grandpa used to say, "It all goes to the same place anyway".

To my eggs, I added my favorite ingredient, Rooster sauce, or rather Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce. I can't pronounce the words on the bottle, but it has a picture of a rooster on it. I think millions of Americans call it "Rooster Sauce". It's hella hot, but adds nice flavor if you don't over do it. I added a sprinkle of kosher salt and fresh ground pepper and poured the mixture on top of the vegetables. 
And finally, I put it all in a whole grain wrap. The wrap only has 90 calories and has 9 grams of fiber. That is amazing. That counts as one measly point in W.W. land. The veggies were free. I threw in a point for the oil just because it seems crazy that this could be so few points. I topped it off with a dollop of salsa and really had a good, healthy and filling breakfast.

I use whatever vegetables are in my fridge on any given day. I find if you bulk up your foods with extra veggies, it is a great way to get all your servings in, and fill you up without adding extra calories.

This is only day two of my self inflicted program. I'm very tempted to buy Jillian Michael's book about Metabolism, or Alicia Silverstone's Kind Diet. Anyone have any suggestions? Wish me luck!


  1. In Defense of Food...

    eat food, not too much, mostly plants.


  2. I totally agree with that. It's the 'not too much' part that trips me up.

  3. No cheeeeeeese. But some feta would be nice. I was trying to steer clear of cheese.
